PRINCIPLE Croatian-English eProcurement Parallel Corpus (evaluated)
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PRINCIPLE Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus iz područja javne nabave (evaluiran)
PRINCIPLE Croatian-English eProcurement Parallel Corpus (evaluated) contains 2 documents (1 in Croatian and 1 in English), totaling 47,135 translation units. The corpus is derived from four LRs: 1) PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Railway Procurement Documents; 2) PRINCIPLE SDURDD Croatian-English Procurement Parallel Corpus; 3) PRINCIPLE DKOM Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council; 4) PRINCIPLE Central Public Procurement Office of Republic of Croatia Croatian-English Procurement Parallel Corpus. The LR is of high-quality as it was additionally processed, cleaned, and used for the development of an MT engine for the procurement domain. It is open and freely available under the PSI licence.
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PRINCIPLE Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus iz područja javne nabave (evaluiran) sadrži 2 dokumenta (1 na hrvatskom i 1 na engleskom) s 47.135 prijevodnih jedinica. Korpus se temelji na četiri jezična resursa: 1) PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus dokumenata javne nabave iz područja željeznica; 2) PRINCIPLE SDURDD Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus iz područja javne nabave; 3) PRINCIPLE DKOM Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus direktiva Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća; 4) PRINCIPLE Središnji državni ured za središnju javnu nabavu Republike Hrvatske Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus iz područja javne nabave. Jezični resurs je visokokvalitetan budući da je dodatno obrađen, očišćen i upotrebljen za razvoj sustava strojnog prevođenja u području javne nabave. Otvoren je i slobodno dostupan na temelju informacija javnog sektora.
DSI Relevance: eProcurement
People who looked at this resource also viewed the following:
- PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Railway Procurement Documents
- PRINCIPLE Central Public Procurement Office of Republic of Croatia Croatian-English Procurement Parallel Corpus
- PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Manuals for Medical Devices (evaluated)
- Translation Memories from the MFA (evaluated)
People who downloaded this resource also downloaded the following:
- PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Railway Procurement Documents
- PRINCIPLE DKOM Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council
- Struna. Croatian Special Field Terminology. Transport
- PRINCIPLE SDURDD Croatian-English Procurement Parallel Corpus