EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Romanian) (Processed)

"EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Romanian) (Processed)" was created for the European Language Resources Coordination Action (ELRC) ( by researchers at the NLP group of the Institute for Language and Speech Processing ( with primary data copyrighted by EUIPO European Union Intellectual Property Office and is licensed under "CC-BY-SA-4.0".

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark system and professional advisers who want to make sure they have the latest information on our examination practices.

They have been drawn up to reflect our Office practice in the most frequent scenarios. They contain general instructions, which have to be adapted to the particularities of a case. They are not legislative texts and, therefore, they are not binding.

Collection of 52 documents in MS Word format drafted in English and translated into 22 EU languages by professional translators.