EU acts in Ukrainian 
It was based on: a) the translations of the EU acts in Ukrainian that are available at the official web-portal of the Parliament of Ukraine (, and b) the EU acts that are available in many CEF languages at It is a collection of TMX files (X-UK, where X is a CEF language) and includes 3056791 TUs in total.
bg-uk 133031
cs-uk 130003
da-uk 129504
de-uk 129623
el-uk 131428
en-uk 129941
es-uk 131406
et-uk 130220
fi-uk 129311
fr-uk 130778
ga-uk 94399
hr-uk 133291
hu-uk 130703
it-uk 131001
lt-uk 130075
lv-uk 131147
mt-uk 83812
nl-uk 130337
pl-uk 131572
pt-uk 130936
ro-uk 132471
sk-uk 131336
sl-uk 131131
sv-uk 129335
DSI Relevance: eJustice
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