English - Swedish parallel corpus from texts of the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten) web site (Processed)
A collection of information sheets from the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten). Each folder contains a set of parallel texts, all of them translated from the Swedish original, which is also included. The collection was done in January 2018 from the authority's website.
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- English-Swedish parallel corpus from Annual Reports of the Swedish Pension System (Processed)
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- English-Swedish parallel texts from The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Tillväxtverket (Processed)
- English - Swedish parallel corpus from parallel texts, "About Sweden" - "Om Sverige" (Processed)
People who downloaded this resource also downloaded the following:
- English - Croatian parallel corpus from texts of the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten) web site (Processed)
- English-Swedish parallel corpus from the Annual Overview of Sweden’s Official aid Agency SIDA Activities (Processed)
- English-Swedish parallel corpus from Annual Reports of the Swedish Pension System (Processed)
- English-Swedish parallel texts from The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Tillväxtverket (Processed)