U-Compare Lemmatisation service

The U-Compare Lemmatisation service is provided and hosted by the National Centre for Text Mining, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system.
Functionality: Identifies sentences and tokens in plain text. Parts of speech and lemmas are assigned to tokens. Language is automatically identified amongst the supported languages and language-specific processing is carried out.
Tools in workflow: Language Identifier, TTL-Tokenizer, TTL-Tagger, TTL-Lemmmatizer (all provided by the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (RACAI), Romania)
NOTE: The licence provided covers the web service only. Tools used to create the workflow may have their own licences

Languages: French (fr), Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan (ro), English (en),
Languages: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan (ro), English (en), French (fr)