The Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK 35)

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Työsuojelusanasto (TSK 35)

The Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK 35) was provided for the European Language Resources Coordination Action (ELRC) ( by Ylisalmi Anu Sanastokeskus TSK with primary data copyrighted by Sanastokeskus TSK and is licensed under "CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0" (

The Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK 35) contains 465 concepts with Finnish term recommendations, definitions and notes. The equivalents are given in Swedish, English, German and French. The definitions and notes have been translated into Swedish. The chapters of the vocabulary include occupational health, safety at work, work environment, risk management, administration of working life and organizing of safety and health at work as well as important registers, methods and cooperation organizations.