The Cross-Lingual NLI Corpus (XNLI) (EN-EL) (Processed)

If you use the corpus in an academic paper, please cite: @InProceedings{conneau2018xnli, author = "Conneau, Alexis and Rinott, Ruty and Lample, Guillaume and Williams, Adina and Bowman, Samuel R. and Schwenk, Holger and Stoyanov, Veselin", title = "XNLI: Evaluating Cross-lingual Sentence Representations", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", year = "2018", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", location = "Brussels, Belgium", }

Subset (EN-EL) of the Cross-Lingual NLI Corpus (XNLI)