PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Manuals for Medical Devices
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PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus korisničkih uputa za medicinske uređaje
PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of Manuals for Medical Devices contains 76,108 translation units. A manual content check was performed on a sample. A manual check of TU alignment was conducted on a sample. Contains 2 .txt files (1 in Croatian and 1 in English). TUs were randomized and the data was anonymised. Data are contributed exclusively for use of DGT for eTranslation development.
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PRINCIPLE Ciklopea Hrvatsko-engleski paralelni korpus korisničkih uputa za medicinske uređaje sadrži 76.108 prijevodnih jedinica. Na uzorku je provedena ručna provjera sadržaja. Sravnjivanje prijevodnih jedinica ručno je pregledano. Sadrži 2 datoteke u .txt formatu (1 na hrvatskom i 1 na engleskom jeziku). Prijevodne jedinice su randomizirane, a podaci su anonimizirani. Podaci se isključivo koriste za za razvoj sustava eTranslation od strane DGT-a.
DSI Relevance: eHealth
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