OpenEdition journals (PART I). Multilingual (AR, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, PL, PT, TR) collection of TMX files.
Multilingual (AR, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT, TR) corpus generated by processing selected content of the website. The total number of Tus is 239271.
ar-fr 2093
de-es 114
de-fr 6327
de-it 73
de-pt 14
en-ar 1132
en-de 1931
en-es 26319
en-fr 70855
en-it 4504
en-nl 25937
en-pt 23500
en-tr 127
es-fr 19577
es-it 503
es-pt 18851
fr-it 1029
fr-nl 25824
fr-pl 15
fr-pt 10153
fr-tr 341
it-pt 52
DSI Relevance: Europeana
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