OpenEdition culture-related publications. Multilingual (AR, DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, HR, IT, NL, PL, PT, RO, RU, SL, SV) collection of TMX files.
Multilingual (AR, DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, HR, IT, NL, PL, PT, RO, RU, SL, SV) corpus generated by processing culture-related publications available at the website. The total number of Tus is 426511.
ar-es 1508
ar-fr 3987
de-es 3142
de-fr 18059
de-it 2763
de-pt 2372
de-sl 79
el-fr 1040
en-ar 2667
en-de 14106
en-el 1034
en-es 39904
en-fr 180416
en-hr 1821
en-it 11308
en-nl 435
en-pl 1738
en-pt 28972
en-ro 53
en-ru 287
en-sl 3532
es-fr 54266
es-hr 123
es-it 3058
es-pt 6122
es-sl 686
fr-hr 404
fr-it 14597
fr-nl 3195
fr-pl 36
fr-pt 19662
fr-ro 55
fr-ru 394
fr-sl 628
fr-sv 445
hr-it 507
hr-sl 240
it-pt 2372
it-sl 498
DSI Relevance: Europeana
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