Multilingual content acquired from advocacy and law associations/firms, conciliation/arbitration/co-operation institutes, dispute prevention and resolution agencies (part 1 , v.1).

Multilingual (BG, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, ET, FI, FR, GA, HR, HU, IS, IT, LT, LV, MK, MT, NB, NL, NN, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, SQ, SV) corpus based on the content of websites related to advocacy and law associations/firms, conciliation/arbitration/co-operation institutes, dispute prevention and resolution agencies. The total number of Tus is 2016117.
bg-cs 258
bg-es 166
bg-et 35
bg-fr 227
bg-hu 252
bg-it 286
bg-nl 232
bg-pl 267
bg-pt 253
bg-ro 154
bg-sk 263
bg-sl 25
bg-sq 266
cs-es 161
cs-et 62
cs-fr 305
cs-hu 232
cs-it 274
cs-nl 227
cs-pl 249
cs-pt 248
cs-ro 158
cs-sk 314
cs-sl 16
cs-sq 269
da-is 636
da-nb 1237
da-nn 19
da-sv 18
de-es 910
de-et 12
de-fi 115
de-fr 326007
de-hr 243
de-it 32206
de-lv 159
de-nl 323467
de-sl 20350
de-sq 1
de-sv 241
en-bg 19198
en-cs 3060
en-da 1280
en-de 32805
en-el 12119
en-es 4240
en-et 19018
en-fi 20822
en-fr 45968
en-ga 253
en-hr 9732
en-hu 6913
en-is 182
en-it 33342
en-lt 8270
en-lv 77895
en-mk 44021
en-mt 69
en-nb 26058
en-nl 12002
en-nn 4785
en-pl 1753
en-pt 806
en-ro 2715
en-sk 873
en-sl 5920
en-sq 9359
en-sv 34715
es-fr 4190
es-hu 153
es-it 377
es-nl 155
es-pl 378
es-pt 265
es-sk 158
es-sq 165
et-fi 532
et-fr 300
et-hu 57
et-mt 19
et-nb 519
et-nn 194
et-pl 51
et-pt 50
et-sk 41
et-sl 6
et-sq 42
et-sv 688
fi-mt 12
fi-sv 143789
fr-ga 14
fr-hu 166
fr-it 13946
fr-lv 724
fr-nl 650283
fr-pl 209
fr-pt 920
fr-sk 167
fr-sq 174
hr-pl 2
hr-sl 9
hu-it 245
hu-nb 15
hu-nl 217
hu-pl 259
hu-pt 229
hu-sk 247
hu-sq 235
is-nb 96
it-nl 258
it-pl 317
it-pt 260
it-ro 233
it-sk 284
it-sl 21064
it-sq 268
mk-sq 9012
nb-nn 12249
nl-pl 227
nl-pt 216
nl-sk 236
nl-sl 12
nl-sq 218
pl-pt 247
pl-ro 210
pl-sk 261
pl-sl 6
pl-sq 246
pt-sk 236
pt-sl 15
pt-sq 253
ro-sq 224
sk-sl 16
sk-sq 258
DSI Relevance: OnlineDisputeResolution, eJustice
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