Human-reviewed automatic English translations of Europeana metadata 
The resource includes human-reviewed or post-edited translations of metadata sourced from the Europeana platform. The human-inspected automatic translations are from 17 European languages to English.
The translations from Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian and Swedish have been reviewed by a group of linguist experts (2 experts for each language).
The translations from Dutch, French, and Italian are sourced from Europeana collections coming from the fashion, audiovisual and museum heritage domains and have been evaluated by cultural heritage experts.
In both cases, evaluators were solicited to rate the automatic translations on a scale from 0 to 100. The textual segments have been extracted from different metadata properties of the Europeana Data Model, which captures aspects of a CH item, such as the title of a painting or its description.
The TSV files include automatic translations that received a human rating of 90% or above. For Italian, French, and Dutch, we also include in the TSV files automatic translations that have been post-edited by human experts so as to reflect a correct translation. TTSV files have the first row in the source language and the second in English.
DSI Relevance: Europeana
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