HRW dataset v1. Multilingual (EN, AR, BG, BN, CS, DA, DE, EL, ES, FA, FI, FR, HR, HU, IN, IT, KO, LV, NB, NL, PL, PT, RU, SK, SQ, SV, TH, TL, TR, UK, UR, Vi, ZH)
Multilingual (EN, AR, BG, BN, CS, DA, DE, EL, ES, FA, FI, FR, HR, HU, IN, IT, KO, LV, NB, NL, PL, PT, RU, SK, SQ, SV, TH, TL, TR, UK, UR, Vi, ZH) corpus acquired from the website ( ) of the Human Rights Watch (9th October 2020). It contains 487723 TUs in total.
en-fr 144647
en-ar 128656
en-es 96648
en-ru 30737
en-de 28915
en-pt 19373
en-in 9509
en-it 5235
en-tr 3628
en-el 3292
en-fa 2898
en-zh 2832
en-vi 1928
en-uk 1772
en-ko 1632
en-pl 1337
en-nl 1225
en-hu 1059
en-sq 501
en-sv 497
en-sk 376
en-hr 269
en-nb 264
en-tl 88
en-ur 74
en-bg 72
en-da 64
en-bn 54
en-fi 49
en-cs 43
en-lv 36
en-th 13
DSI Relevance: ElectronicExchangeOfSocialSecurityInformation
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