ELG API for Icelandic Tokenizer

The underlying tokenizer is Tokenizer (https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer) by Miðeind (https://mideind.is/), which is licensed under this MIT license (https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer/blob/master/LICENSE). The ELG API implementation imports the corresponding PyPi package (https://pypi.org/project/tokenizer/).



This is an ELG API for Tokenizer (https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer) by Miðeind (https://mideind.is/), which is licensed under this MIT license (https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer/blob/master/LICENSE). The ELG API implementation imports the corresponding PyPi package (https://pypi.org/project/tokenizer/).