Anonymised ParaCrawl release 9 English-Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan

ParaCrawl 9 en-ro

Anonymised English-Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan parallel from release 9 of the ParaCrawl project, specifically "Continued Web-Scale Provision of Parallel Corpora for European Languages". This corpus was run through BiRoamer to anonymise. This version is filtered with BiCleaner AI. Data was crawled from the web following robots.txt, as is standard practice. The crawl is not targeted to a particular domain, intending to provide broad coverage.

DSI Relevance: BusinessRegistersInterconnectionSystem, Cybersecurity, ElectronicExchangeOfSocialSecurityInformation, Europeana, OnlineDisputeResolution, OpenDataPortal, eHealth, eJustice, eProcurement, saferInternet