
Included schema TextSpecific.xsd
Element ms:textFormatInfo
Groups information on the text format(s) of a resource
Diagram ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#dataFormat TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textFormatInfoType_sizePerTextFormat TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textFormatInfoType
Type ms:textFormatInfoType
Element ms:textFormatInfoType / ms:sizePerTextFormat
Provides information on the size of the resource parts with different format
Diagram ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#sizeInfoType_size ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#sizeInfoType_sizeUnit ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#sizeInfoType
Type ms:sizeInfoType
Element ms:textClassificationInfo
Groups together information on text type/genre of the resource
Diagram TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textGenre TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textType ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#conformanceToClassificationScheme TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textClassificationInfoType_sizePerTextClassification TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textClassificationInfoType
Type ms:textClassificationInfoType
Element ms:textGenre
Genre: The conventionalized discourse or text types of the content of the resource, based on extra-linguistic and internal linguistic criteria; please, select one of the predefined values as it increases the interoperability between resources and processing tools and services; if none fits the contents of your resource, you can add your own value
Type restriction of xs:string
maxLength 50
enumeration advertising
For corpora that include advertising texts (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration discussion
For corpora that include texts of discussion, debate and conversation, written as well as spoken, including interviews, parliamentary speeches, letters to the editor, etc. (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration feature
For corpora that include feature texts such as articles in newspaper etc., which do not belong to the Information or another, more specific genre, rebiews, radio/TV magazines etc. (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration fiction
For corpora that include fiction texts, including faction and e.g. comic strips, entertainment, children and youth pages, jokes and games; drama, including film manuscripts and TV-series; poems and song lyrics (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration information
For corpora that include texts of information, such as news articles in newspaper texts, as well as similar programs in radio and television, folders and leaflets from the authorities, posters, signs (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration instruction
For corpora that include texts of instruction, including reference and text books, specialised articles in correspondence columns of newspapers or magazines (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration nonFiction
For corpora that include non-fiction texts, such as biography, including obituaries and auto-biographies, sermons, school and student essays etc. (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration official
For corpora that include official texts, including laws, government circulars, official announcements, business correspondence (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration private
For corpora that include private texts, like diaries and private letters (value taken from the PAROLE genre classifcation schema)
enumeration other
Element ms:textType
Specifies the type of the text according to a text type classification; please, select one of the predefined values as it increases the interoperability between resources and processing tools and services; if none fits the contents of your resource, you can add your own value
Type restriction of xs:string
maxLength 50
enumeration academicTexts
For corpora that include essays, lectures, course materials, school texts, student exam papers...
enumeration administrativeTexts
For corpora that include public and private administration documents, such as government circulars, laws, legislation, corporate texts and similar material
enumeration blogTexts
For corpora that include texts from blogs
enumeration chatTexts
For corpora that include chat conversations
enumeration faceToFaceConversationsDiscussions
For corpora that include transcripts from conversations and discussions (face-to-face), both formal and informal
enumeration emails
For corpora that include email texts, both formal and informal
enumeration encyclopaedicTexts
For corpora that include articles in encyclopaedias, printed and digital (e.g. wikipedia)
enumeration interviews
For corpora that include interviews, either from printed media or transcripts from oral conversations
enumeration journalisticTexts
For corpora that include articles, reportage, travel guides etc. in newspapers, magazines, printed or electronic
enumeration letters
For corpora that include correspondence (private, business, formal ...); N.B. emails and other forms of digital communication are not to be included here
enumeration literaryTexts
For corpora that include novels, stories, fairy tales, biographies, poems etc.
enumeration meetingProceedings
For corpora that include court, parliamentary, municipal, corporate meetings...
enumeration reviews
For corpora that include reviews of books, music, films, restaurants etc.
enumeration scripts
For corpora that include movie scripts, advertisement scripts...
enumeration subtitles
For corpora that include subtitles of movies, TV shows, documentaries...
enumeration technicalTexts
For corpora that include manuals and other technical documents
enumeration telephoneConversations
For corpora that include transcripts of telephone conversations
enumeration tweets
For corpora that include tweets, both formal and informal
enumeration other
Element ms:textClassificationInfoType / ms:sizePerTextClassification
Provides information on size of resource parts with different text classification
Diagram ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#sizeInfoType_size ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#sizeInfoType_sizeUnit ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#sizeInfoType
Type ms:sizeInfoType
Complex Type ms:textFormatInfoType
Diagram ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#dataFormat TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textFormatInfoType_sizePerTextFormat
Complex Type ms:textClassificationInfoType
Diagram TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textGenre TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textType ELRC-SHARE-SimpleTypes_xsd.tmp#conformanceToClassificationScheme TextSpecific_xsd.tmp#textClassificationInfoType_sizePerTextClassification